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Using Social Media for Recruiting

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Social media sites are commonly being used as recruitment resources by agencies for finding top talent. This is becoming more and more common as people are looking for the best of the best. There are handfuls of social sites being used today, and they are available for anyone to use.

People use social sites to talk about their favorite topics and become linked into networks of people, communities, friends, and family. Social sites allow people to discuss their skills, personal interests, and more. They are a place for people to express themselves and have fun.

The best thing about social sites is that people indirectly provide a form of resume for recruiters without realizing it. This is an excellent opportunity because on these sites people are actually themselves. It is too common for people to go into an interview and present a false face. They are nervous and give an impression of being someone they are not. A social site gives a recruiter a good idea of exactly who the person is before even talking to them. They can see what kind of personality the person has and how seriously they take their work.

People act like themselves when they use social sites because they join them for fun. They don’t join a social site and add information about themselves as they would on a job recruitment site. A job recruitment profile will be very professional and only include the good stuff. A person’s profile on a social site may provide many additional facts about a person, including the bad stuff.

People often post things about themselves that they are proud of. It is common to post these things on a social site to share with your friends and others. This helps you to promote yourself even if you don’t know it.

Recruiters are using social networking sites to find the right people. Why should recruiters go to job sites when they can go to social sites for free? They can find the people they are looking for without having to pay a dime. They can find the right talent, as opposed to people who are just pretending to have talent.

Another great thing about using social networking sites is that recruiters know they are not being tricked by anyone. People exaggerate, or outright lie, all the time on their resumes. They may be intentionally misleading regarding previous employment or references. It is common for a person to say, for instance, that he or she worked for a Mom and Pop shop for 10 years as a manager in a small town. He or she will then have a close friend act as a false reference. This can only be done on a resume, with the friend covering for the candidate while the interview process is completed.

People are less likely to make up a fake personality on a social networking site. They open themselves up and make themselves vulnerable. However, they tell the truth. Recruiters know what the truth is when they locate people on social networking sites. They know a person’s previous employment history and they can talk to people without them knowing they are looking to hire them. This is the best way to get the truth and see the real person.

Social networking sites are free to join. People don’t have to pay to create a profile and recruiters don’t have to pay to find people. Recruiters can surf through profiles of people and find interesting candidates who have relevant interests and who might be the right talent for the job they have available.

Today it is common for people to be offered work from recruiters through social networks. Recruiters check out profiles and talk to the most interesting people. They can start up conversations and find out information without wasting time on an interview. Many people have video on their sites, so a recruiter can tell how well someone can communicate and how they look in front of a camera. People might not be trying to sell themselves on social sites but they are, albeit indirectly.

Social sites that recruiters can use to find people are abundant. The most common social sites today include websites like FaceBook and LinkedIn. These two sites are especially popular. People can create an account which gives them the opportunity to express themselves through music, photos, text, and more. They join groups of interest and social sub-networks. A person’s profile can say a lot about him or her. Sites like FaceBook allow people to do a lot with their profile, such as add videos and photos. They are not limited in the information they can add about themselves for people to see, and many people even add links to their personal websites.

Many people do use social sites for promoting their online businesses. This is not the primary purpose of social networking, but the sites are used this way. Social networking allows people to get a lot of exposure without doing much work at all. Promoting a business through a social site helps to bring traffic to your online business and can generate more revenue. A recruiter may look at your ability to effectively use social networking sites as a skill. If you are capable of using social networking sites for promotion, they might have a job for you in that field.

People are hired every day by recruiters who spot people on social networking sites. You don’t always have to be looking for a job anymore, because the recruiters are finding you.

Social networking sites are the best place for recruiters to go to find the real talent. They can find out the truth about people and not have to worry about people being less than honest, like they may be on their resumes. They can know who they are about to talk to before they arrive at the interview, or decide if there will even be an interview. Social networking sites provide a way for recruiters to bypass an interview or to perform one online. If you are looking for a job and you belong to social networks, you should use them to your advantage. Don’t be afraid to boast about the things you are proud of.
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